Saturday, December 24, 2011

Super Joyful Christmas!

After that last post, which was rather sobering, it's time for some gen-you-wine, irreverent, holiday humor.

All my brass friends will love this in particular. (With apologies to Maynard Ferguson.)

(Click on my Christmas greeting, and turn the sound up!)

Merry Christmas!!!!!


For more trumpeting high jinks and hilarity, visit this site (from which I got the above, um, spirited melody):


Michael Saar said...

That certainly brightened my evening. I think the guy playing the Hummel was channeling Harry James.

Julianna Schroeder said...

You're welcome, Michael! Every time I visit that website, it sends me into hysterics. The Florence Jenkins track is a favorite of mine, too.

Merry Christmas!
