Sunday, February 2, 2025

Jar of Goodness 2.2.25: Sportsball?

. . . The weekly virtual “gratitude jar.”

This week, I think I’m expressing thanks for sportsball. Sort of. Read on.

I never thought I’d ever mention football on my blog. It’s seriously nowhere near close to my favorite things.

But when the weather’s rough, the ground’s sloppy, and you have plenty of other things to be unhappy about, it’s kind of nice that the closest NFL team has been on the ups in recent years. When your team wins, you feel like a winner, too.

So, with the “big game” next week, people around here are pretty excited. Gives us something to hoot about.

By the way . . . (spoiler alert: this is what I’m really grateful for this week) . . . this winter, one of our favorite locally owned restaurants, the Dandy Lion on Main, has been hosting watch parties for the local team, and they’ll be having one of these parties next Sunday, too. In case you want to support your friendly little local diversity-welcoming place.

You might decide to pick up some homemade bakery goods to have tomorrow for breakfast. Next time you are hosting a dinner, have them make your favorite kind of pie. Or maybe you’ll see that they’re doing lots of fun special events there—movie nights, game nights, live entertainment, crafting, etc. As well as drag brunches. They are “a space for caffeination, creation, and connection.”

You might even want to follow them on Facebook in order to be in the know about their upcoming fun events.

So, whether or not the closest gigantic, billionaire-owned, mega-sports-franchise breaks some kind of record and wins “big” for a third year in a row, is kind of beside the point.

We’re basically looking forward to an excuse to hang out at the Dandy Lion for a few hours.

“Go team!”