Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Albino Deer

Here are some special photos!

One of my friends in Columbia has an albino deer that's been tiptoeing through her backyard. She sent me some pictures today, including these two.

Yeah, the deer eats some of her plants, but who cares! It's an albino deer, which is just about the coolest thing in the world!

And I'm jealous: All we've got in our backyard are a mess of gray squirrels, and a fat ol' woodchuck that looks kinda like a U.S. Senator.

By the way, my friend's house is for sale. . . . I think she ought to put the deer in her ads as an "exterior property feature"!

Pretty cool, huh?!

Almost like having a frickin' unicorn!

(Here is more on this albino deer, who seems to be making the rounds of Columbia's west side.)

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