. . . Wait for it . . .
. . . . . . . . Wait for it . . .

You're welcome!
. . . And because I don't want to get into copyright trouble, here's the official data:

Did you know opossums have superpowers?
Here are a few examples:
- An individual possum can eat 4,000 ticks in a single week, cutting down on infectious diseases like Lyme disease.
- They have a near-immunity to rabies.
- They have a total immunity to rattlesnakes, cotton mouths and other pit vipers.
- Their kind has been around since the time of Tyrannosaurus Rex and they likely ate dinosaur eggs.
Get more wild and weird facts about the critters all around us by joining our online network: http://ow.ly/loqL3057fCY
#opossums #possums #marsupials #fightextinction #biodiversity